- He is a staff officer in the army. 他在部队里任参谋。
- The staff officers mapped out the area thoroughly. 参谋人员在地图上把这个地区精确地标了出来。
- A staff officer who helps a commanding officer with administrative affairs. 副官,人事行政参谋帮助指挥官处理行政事务的人事官员
- He countermanded his instructions to his staff officer. 他撤回了对参谋的命令。
- The senior military staff officer at the division level or higher. 参谋长:师级或师级以上的高级军事参谋。
- A staff officer there asked Henke, “What is your business? 在指挥部,一位参谋军官问亨克中尉,“你们要干吗?”
- He was sent for officer training, and a year later he was a company commander. 他被送去接受军官培训,一年以后,他成了连长。
- Lockwood had spent most of World War II as a staff officer in Hawaii. 二战期间的大多数时间里洛克伍德在夏威夷担任参谋军官。
- A key feature of SS officer training was instilling leadership and self-sacrifice. 党卫队军官训练的主要特色是慢慢培养领导能力和自信心。
- Officer training must focus on warfighting and leadership and command in combat. 军官训练必须集中到作战及作战中的领导与指挥能力上来。
- "We did an awful lot of prestudy before making a decision," says one staff officer. “在决策之前,我们做了多得怕人的预先研究,”一位职能部门的负责人说。
- A commissioned officer with combat units (not a staff officer or a supply officer). 武装部门的委任军官(不是参谋或后勤军官)。
- Its officer training corps prowl the campus in crisply pressed uniforms and knee-high leather boots, greeting each other with brisk “howdys”. 该校的军官训练团行走在校园里的时候,总会身着笔挺的制服,脚穿齐膝的皮靴,彼此用轻快的"你好"打招呼。
- It oversees a strategic marketing outreach for the US Military Academy (USMA) and Reserve Officer Training Corps (ROTC) FA accession. 它是监督一个外展到美国陆军军官学校和后备军官训练团的市场战略。
- He then served to the end of the war on the BdU op staff as first naval staff officer (1. Asto). 在离开了U-107艇后,他作为潜艇司令部作战处的首席参谋一直服役到战争结束。
- To cultivate command officers and general staff officers in different level. 及一般参谋军官人才。
- Court precedent and officer training recommend and command that laser may not be used for issuing a speeding ticket past 1,000 feet due to the divergence of the laser's beam. 由于雷射的光线会发散,在法院先前的判例与官员教育下,推荐并且命令规定雷射枪不可能作为1,000呎外,开立一张驾车超速罚单的依据。
- The increase is already taking shape with the appointment in 2005 of a scientific staff officer dealing with Invasive Alien Species of plants. 增加已然形成的任命在2005年获得了科学参事处理侵入植物物种.
- Middle-level commanding officers will receive integrated military and political training. Commanding and staff officers will receive training in the same institutions, and medical and political officers throughout the PLA will receive unified training. 对中级指挥军官实行军政合训,指挥员与参谋人员同校培训,医务和机关政治军官全军统一归口培训。
- In terms of system, we must consider educating all officers, from platoon leaders up, in officers' training schools. 要从制度上考虑,从排长起,各级军官都必须经过军官学校的训练。